Law and Ecology
Andreas PhilippopoulosMihalopoulos
Not Available
Wild Law - In Practice
Michelle Maloney
Law and the Question of the Animal
Yoriko Otomo
Wild Law
Michelle M Maloney and 1 more
Earth Jurisprudence
Peter D University of Adelaide and 1 more
Contributions to Law, Philosophy and Ecology
Ruth ThomasPellicer
The Global Emergence of Constitutional Environmental Rights
Joshua C Gellers
Law as if Earth Really Mattered
Nicole Rogers
Forging a Socio-Legal Approach to Environmental Harms
Tiffany Bergin
Ecological Restoration Law
Afshin Griffith University and 1 more
Spinoza, Ecology and International Law
Moa De Lucia Dahlbeck
The 'Ecosystem Approach' in International Environmental Law
Vito De Lucia
Posthuman Legal Subjectivity
Jana Norman
Children as Climate Citizens
Kata Dozsa
Law, Humans and Plants in the Andes-Amazon
Iván Darío VargasRoncancio
Rights for Ecosystem Services
Giulia Sajeva
Law, Animals and Toxicity Testing
Anne M Wordsworth
Human Rights Approaches to Planetary Crises
Samvel Varvastian
Global Animal Law from the Margins
Iyan Offor